Bikram Yoga, Baby, Buy from my Etsy Shop!

I just got a Groupon for Bikram Yoga Charleston and I’m loving it!! You feel like you might die but then something amazing happens and you don’t! The heat makes you much more flexible and afterwards you feel so relaxed, almost like you’ve just had a great massage.


I opened my own Etsy shop and I love creating new invitation designs and pinteresty things to sell!!


My baby is 11 months old now!! He just started walking and we’re planning his first birthday. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing.


I’m still not a craft goddess and definitely not a master chef but I’m getting closer and loving it!


— Jessica

Day 1 / How do I quit my job?

I need to quit my job. But, I don’t want to lose my paycheck. But I don’t want to lose my mind either. So, trying to figure out how to cut back and make some side money. People make money blogging, right? Need to get that going. Maybe an etsy store? Will people pay for custom wedding invitations? Or logo designs? Or maybe paintings… I miss painting. Especially my furniture. I haven’t painted furniture in over a year and that makes me sad… so much I wanted to try.

Day 1 Beginner’s Workout.

Since I can’t control my work situation right now, going to start working on controlling my body.

Went well… was hard too!!

Woke up at 6:30 am, having a glass of water and yogurt with granola for breakfast. Then, coffee…. lots of coffee because I’m TIRED already.

Even though I’m stressed, West always makes me feel better. Looking at him makes me happy. He’s my miracle.

Until Day 2…


I Workout?

I’M SO BUSY. No time for anything. Baby, work, house, food, sleep occasionally. Working full time and taking care of a baby is no joke; not for the weak of heart. And, I think I might be on the verge of losing my mind. But, I have to keep going. We can’t afford daycare and can’t afford not to have my income so here we are… stuck in a crazy stressful life.

I’m so ready to have my body back though. I think I’ve started regaining my weight. I refuse to weigh myself because I don’t want to add to the stress that I already have.

My beautiful boy is two and half months old and growing way too fast. We took him swimming for the first time yesterday!


Love that boy….

And it’s almost football season!!!



Can’t wait… I feel like it’s been a really long time.

But, anyways, I found out about the diastasis recti issue where your abs don’t come back together after pregnancy. It grosses me out and has to be fixed before you can think about trying to get real abs going. The exercises are easy and you can definitely feel them the next day.

I’ve done this one:



And i’m going to try these next:

Hand Guidance

This exercise involves using your hands to knit your abdominal muscles together in the correct position. To perform, lie on your back with your feet on the ground. Cross your hands over each other, placing one hand on each side of your abdominal muscles. Inhale, then slowly breathe out and raise only your head off the ground. As you lift up, gently guide your stomach muscles together. If you prefer, you can wrap a sheet or towel around your stomach and pull the ends together to guide the stomach muscles. Lower your head to your starting position and repeat 10 times. Perform an additional two sets throughout the day.

Heel Slide

This exercise works the transverse abdominis, the muscle group compromised during diastasis recti. Lie on your back with your feet on the ground. You may wish to place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks for additional support. Lift your toes off the ground, leaving only your heel on the floor. Gently slide this foot out to straighten your leg. Hold the straight-leg position for five seconds, then slide the leg back in toward you. Repeat the exercise eight times, then perform on the opposite leg.

Pelvic Tilt

This gentle exercise helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles affected by diastasis recti through a gentle scooping motion. Lie on your back and extend your left leg slightly, but maintain a bend in the knee. Place your right foot on the ground, knee bent. Gently tilt your pelvis in toward your chest, feeling the lower back move to the floor. Do not, however, lift the pelvis or buttocks off the floor. Return your pelvis to your starting position, then repeat the exercise 10 times.

Read more:

Also, got the beginner’s calendar from blogilates:



I really just want to start with the exercises on here to get back going. Her stuff is always fun 😉 I sure remember doing the Gangnam Style workout a few times before I was pregnant!

This workout seems fun, too. Working out with songs:



Ok, enough for now. Hopefully I can get some exercise in tomorrow… we will see. It’s my birthday this weekend and hopefully I will be getting drunk so I’ll need to burn some extra calories now to make up for that 😉

Off to organize my pinterest boards…




My Baby <3

Here’s West!!


Loving him so much….

He was born on May 31st (3 weeks, 1 day early!) and weighed 7lbs 2oz..

West is a month old tomorrow and I have to go back to work on Monday.

Also, time to work on this body.

Good news, I”m already back at my original weight! Bad news, still have a little belly and my butt is magically disappearing.

Hearing good things about Tracy Anderson post-pregnancy workout. She’s had a baby before, so I trust that she knows what she’s talking about.

Playlist of the workout:




I’m Pregnant!

So, I’m 7 Months Pregnant.. and this is the reason I haven’t posted anything in about 7 months 🙂

24 Weeks

This was at 24 weeks – 5 weeks ago. We moved into a new house. And, projects and workouts have completely dropped off to zero. New project : have a healthy, happy baby.

Oh, and it’s a boy!

Baby Boy  2013-02-11 08.40.18-5

His name is West and we can’t wait to meet him.





Glitter Pumpkin!!

So Pretty!

There is some orange showing through. But, that orange looking spot is actually the reflection from my pink shirt!! I love my glitter pumpkin!

Got all of the dresser drawers painted with two coats today! Can’t wait to have them back and put together in the bedroom again.

As you can see, I quit trying to not make a mess on my laminate floor. Getting that off will be my next project.

In my last post I said that I want to be a runner. I still do! But, I couldn’t run on Wednesday because my shins were hurting. So, if I’m going to run it’s going to have to be in different shoes or at a different pace or something. I’ll figure it out I guess. But, today, I’m working on some toning stuff:


All Over Toning:


Happy Thursday! My husband has a sleep study tomorrow. Kind of worried and nervous for him!

– Jessica

I Hate Burpees!

Ugh, burpees. Does anyone love burpees? If so, they need to be institutionalized because I think that is the worst cardio move ever invented. Just did these two cardio videos:

Yes, Gangnam style again! Love doing this workout 😉 But, fell on my butt this time trying to do extra high kicks lol…

This is with two guys called The Lean Machines (their youtube site here). I think they will be part of my workouts now too!

Also did sleek and slender abs:

Fine Toning Arms Routine:

AND Lift and Tone Booty Routine:

I had a bad week and needed to get some endorphins going. And, I’m going to Columbia to tailgate this weekend so I know I won’t be working out anything but my drinking muscles until Monday…
Also, got coat 2 on the dressers!! They look good 🙂 Will probably be putting another coat on next week just to be thorough because I can still see a few lines. So, update with pics next week! This is taking forever and I still have the drawers to paint, our two end tables and the dresser mirror! Whew… might be a while before this project is complete. Can’t wait!

– Jessica

The Dressers: One Black Coat

Here are the dressers with one black coat: WHOOOOOO


They look good from afar, but you can see the brush strokes:

The next coat will look awesome, though!!

My sister in law and I have been doing a lot of crafting for Halloween decorations and Christmas presents! It’s been so fun! I will update with the Halloween decor (including sparkle pumpkin!!) but not the Christmas presents yet. I have to make sure nobody who’s getting one will see it! One of our Christmas presents for our sisters include some chalkboard paint:

I can’t wait to use it for the first time! We were gonna make some out of the black paint I’m already using on the dressers. But, the tile grout section got overwhelming so we just decided to buy some. (Tile grout is needed to make your own in these instructions).

Also, here’s a couple pictures of Ruby, my child, just because she looks so cute today:

Awww such a beautiful, sweet thing!!

Didn’t workout yesterday, whoops… Even though it’s no excuse, I had a bad day and drank instead! So, exercise tonight – some pop cardio and arms workout!!
