Bikram Yoga, Baby, Buy from my Etsy Shop!

I just got a Groupon for Bikram Yoga Charleston and I’m loving it!! You feel like you might die but then something amazing happens and you don’t! The heat makes you much more flexible and afterwards you feel so relaxed, almost like you’ve just had a great massage.


I opened my own Etsy shop and I love creating new invitation designs and pinteresty things to sell!!


My baby is 11 months old now!! He just started walking and we’re planning his first birthday. I can’t believe how fast he’s growing.


I’m still not a craft goddess and definitely not a master chef but I’m getting closer and loving it!


— Jessica

Glitter Pumpkin!!

So Pretty!

There is some orange showing through. But, that orange looking spot is actually the reflection from my pink shirt!! I love my glitter pumpkin!

Got all of the dresser drawers painted with two coats today! Can’t wait to have them back and put together in the bedroom again.

As you can see, I quit trying to not make a mess on my laminate floor. Getting that off will be my next project.

In my last post I said that I want to be a runner. I still do! But, I couldn’t run on Wednesday because my shins were hurting. So, if I’m going to run it’s going to have to be in different shoes or at a different pace or something. I’ll figure it out I guess. But, today, I’m working on some toning stuff:


All Over Toning:


Happy Thursday! My husband has a sleep study tomorrow. Kind of worried and nervous for him!

– Jessica